I needed a script to quickly extract some basic test execution information from an xcresult directory. My script needed to get the number tests run, the number that failed, and the names of those failed tests. That’s it.

The xcresult directory has a ton of helpful info, but it’s complicated to access. Xcode offers the xcresulttool command line tool to access that info, but I found the ramp up on xcresulttool to be excessively steep for my simple case.

I was able to combine a couple of tools to quickly get what I wanted:

  1. Trainer, which translates an xcresult into a junit xml file (they did the work of learning xcresulttool for me)
  2. XMLStarlet, which is a command line xml query tool

My simple script:

trainer -p /path/to/xcresult -o /path/to/junit
xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//testsuites/testsuite/testcase' -i failure -v @classname -o " - " -v @name -n /path/to/junit.xml
xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//testsuites' -v @tests -o " total tests, " -v @failures -o " failed." /path/to/junit.xml 

What’s going on here?

  1. trainer generates a junit.xml file that looks something like this:
<testuites tests="10" failures="1">
  <testsuite name="a_name" tests="5" failures="1" time="0.1">
    <testcase classname="a_class" name="a_test" time="0.1"> # a passing test
    <testcase classname="a_class" name="a_test" time="0.1">
      <failure message="a_message">

The use of trainer and junit.xml was arbitrary. I just wanted the information in some structured format, and trainer was what I found.

  1. Once trainer put my info in a structured format, I could query it. Since it’s in xml, I used xmlstarlet. My command selects for elements matching (sel -t -m) //testsuites/testsuite/testcase that include (-i) a failure. It grabs the value (-v) of the classname and name attributes, outputting (-o) a “ - “ between them. It adds a newline (-n) after each test case.

  2. xmlstarlet queries for elements matching (sel -t -m) //testsuites, getting the values (-v) of the @tests count and @failures count, and outputting some helpful text around those values.

It’s enjoy cobbling these types of scripts together. Hopefully it’s useful to you.